Day 4 – Starting “The Ring Road”



Today we begin our journey around the ring road. It will involve ten days of camping and a lot of travelling. I hope that finding this daunting  just makes me normal and still fairly adventurous. It will involve camping at different sites each night! Our first campsite however, was awesome. They obviously understood the needs of people travelling here and there and provided free washing machines and dryers, and created a  culture of people leaving behind things they don’t need such as food, toilet paper and gas for others travelers to use as they wish. I did see one guy go up to this pile with a bag and fill it, so it will never be a fool-proof system – someone will always take advantage!

This evening, we went to one of Iceland’s most famed attractions – the blue lagoon. I’ll try to provide pictures for this to show you how awesome it was, and warm!! As much as I love seeing sights and going places, it’s always the people that stick in my mind. I remember very clearly meeting this couple in the water. They were a Liverpudlian couple and were (or the guy at least) passionate about yachts. They were both in their 50’s and the lady, Doreen, was telling us about a career change that she had made only a few years before. She went from being in a job that she hated, to becoming self employed with Avon and growing a team that would be the fourth largest selling in the UK. As changing careers is something I’m considering, it was really refreshing to listen to her. It was nice to hear, if anything, that it is possible to find a job you love no matter how far along your career you are. It means I have time. The gent, Graham, considered himself to be a glass half empty kind of guy, yet he completely supported her move, buying her a laptop and being the steady wage whilst she got herself set up. I think he should give himself more credit!